Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Photoshop Tutorial: Beams of Light

For this assignment I chose a photo that I took at Dinosaur Hill.
I began by selecting the gradient tool and choosing the Color Harmonies 2 option, then I applied it and selected the desaturation tool to remove the bright color. I made it 50% opaque and then used the perspective tool to finally start working on the beams of light. I added a Gaussian blur effect to the tools and then tinted the light a to a pale yellow. Using the custom shape tool I used a particular type of tile, applied it to the photo, stretched it out and then used blend mode and set the opacity to 25%. I blurred the atmosphere and erased all light streaks that were out of place. I created a light source at the top of the pic by painting the pic with the same color yellow as the light beams.

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