Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Photoshop Tutorial: Beams of Light

For this assignment I chose a photo that I took at Dinosaur Hill.
I began by selecting the gradient tool and choosing the Color Harmonies 2 option, then I applied it and selected the desaturation tool to remove the bright color. I made it 50% opaque and then used the perspective tool to finally start working on the beams of light. I added a Gaussian blur effect to the tools and then tinted the light a to a pale yellow. Using the custom shape tool I used a particular type of tile, applied it to the photo, stretched it out and then used blend mode and set the opacity to 25%. I blurred the atmosphere and erased all light streaks that were out of place. I created a light source at the top of the pic by painting the pic with the same color yellow as the light beams.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Just some place in downtown Martinez that I thought was really cool. I was going to use some of these for my final.

Extra Flower Pics

This one is clearly photoshopped, and most certainly not a flower.

AJA Project: Photo Essay Preview

Stephanie and I worked together to document the trash problem at College Park. 
Here are some examples of what is left right after lunch:

These photos show trash, and then what it looks like with it gone.

Extra Pics...Fun With Posterize!!

I like posterize because of the cool effects it gives a photo, and how easy it is to change that photo into something completely different.

This one was the original:

Monday, May 5, 2014


This one is definitely my favorite. :)

I also liked how this one turned out too.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Pop Art: Photoshop Tutorial

For this project, I took an old photo of an apple and cropped it to a square shape. I then used an artistic filter to distort the image of the apple in a way. I used the magic want tool then to select the subject and copied and pasted it into a new level. Then I used the paint bucket tool for coloring the first one and then doubled the size of the canvas. Then I duplicated layers and lined up each layer as best as I could together. Using the hue/saturation tools, I slid the tool until it changed every one of the panels to another color. I like how bright each color is.