Thursday, January 30, 2014

Photoshop Texture Layer

For this photo, I took one texture pic of bark, and one of these flowers on the same tree. I lightly blended the texture and made it just barely visible, using the opaque tool.  It is the most visible in the sky and parts of the flower. It really brings a darker tone to the picture. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Extra Pretty CP Pics

I really liked these photos, and I wanted to post them.
They were from the first digital shoot.

I would never guess that this is at CP.

This one is my favorite!!

Photo Final- 1st Semester

This is texture because of how the bark looks.

This is shape because of how there is a giant oval in the middle of the tree trunk.

This is form, because of the way the trunk forms around the pole.

This is line, because of the leaves.

Outdoor Portrait Project

This is a photograph of my cousin Katie. The location is my backyard. I took this pic without her looking at the camera because I wanted to go for a more dramatic effect.

This is my friend Stephanie, posing in a tree. She has a determined look on her face and I wanted it to look like she was going to climb all the way to the top and not give up until she did. This photo was taken on the back field at Gregory Gardens Elementary.

This is Stephanie reading a book, also taken at Gregory Gardens.  She looks serious and really into the story she is reading. 

This is Stephanie's friend Jessica. She is in her backyard. I took this picture because she is happy and confident in this photo, much like real life.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Extra Pics

I really like these photos but I didn't use them for my final. So I posted them!

Monday, January 13, 2014