Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Lines Project

This is one of my top 4 photos because I like how jumbled up the branches look.  There are all types of lines, from vertical to diagonal and even horizontal.  This pic is in the nature category.  When looking at this photo your eye moves all over because of the branches and leaves. For editing I tinted the color of the branches and made the pic 100% clearer. 

I chose this photo because of the subject matter, and how I like softball and baseball. This is a glove and ball belonging to my best friend. There are diagonal, horizontal lines in the mitts and also on the softball. Your eye follows the lines on the ball and how they curve. This is simplicity because of how the focus of the composition is mostly on the mitt. The edits I did were to darken the highlights (lowlights?) because it was easier to see the inside of the mitt. I also increased the shadows and made it clearer.

I like this photo because it is off center and focuses on the net. The lines of the net are diagonal and the backboard is vertical and horizontal too. This pic is in the sports category.  Your eye mostly follows the diagonal lines of the netting throughout the composition. For edits, I made the pic clearer and contrasted the net against the background of the sky. 

I like this picture because of how crisp and clear the lines are. It also reminds me of when I was younger and played hopscotch during recess at school. The lines are horizontal and vertical, and there are jagged lines on the pavement. This is in the everyday surroundings category, mostly because I don't know what else it would be considered.  Your eye focuses mostly on the way the hopscotch squares are set up, all because of simplicity. For edits I did highlights and got rid of all the shadows.

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