Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Natural Landscape Project

For this project I went to the Martinez Marina.

 I chose this photo because I like the lone tree standing against a background of boats and water. I wanted to communicate how the tree looks like a sail for a sailboat. I edited this photo to make it clearer and the sky to have different shades of blue to it.

I like this photo because the view looks so warm and inviting from the seat of the bench. I like how it is also framed by the trees as well. I edited this to make the sky more vibrant and the grass to have a different color or contrast from the water.

I chose this photo because I like how it looks in black and white. In the background there is a little trail, but I want the focus to mostly be in the willow trees. I edited this to black and white and played with the contrast and clarity.

I chose this pic because I like how inviting the water looks, despite how freezing cold and windy that day. I made the sky blue and made it as clear as I could. I played around with the colors as well. I also like how the sun is shining on the water.